Production Blog: Update

 Hi guys! I hope you guys are having a good day thus far! I, unfortunately, come with bad news. My dad is unexpectedly going out of town for a month and will not be able to go with me to the gardens. Since my parents are separated and my sister is on my dad's side, I won't be able to record the shots that were supposed to have her in them. I already recorded some clips but, thankfully, they weren't any major clips that took a long time to shoot.

 With this major change, I'm going to have to make a few changes to the original storyboard of the music video. Instead of it being the main character's birthday, it'll just be a day spent at the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens. No matter what, I will definitely be getting the recordings at the garden. 

 With this change, I'll also probably have to make the gardens the actual "main character." Instead of the music video centering itself around the birthday of a main character and how she spent the day, it'll be centered around the gardens and the peacefulness of the environment.

The change is a drastic one, I definitely know that, but we can still work with this! I'm just glad that this change happened early enough for me to make a new plan for the music video. I cannot imagine how I would have managed if the change happened on the day before recording at the gardens.

A lot of my scenes will have to be changed, but it's ok! It'll still be a super great music video!!

I think that the most difficult part of this will be the variety of shots. In the storyboard I had before, I had plenty of different types of shots and angles planned for each scene. I'm more worried about how I'm going to do that with plants and myself.

Again, I'm so glad this change happened early on.

I'm sorry for the, yet again, uneventful update. The next one will be better, promise!

Below, I've uploaded a reference video to show the type of shots I want of the smaller plants, like flowers! 

Yes, it is a National Geographic video.

I love National Geographic.


P.S. the video linked below is a time lapse of flowers blooming. I obviously cannot record flowers blooming, but I want the quality of the shots to be similar to the ones in this video!


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