Title Research: Split
1. What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?
The opening sequences of "Split" directed by M. Night Shyamalan, begins with multiple tiny black boxes that repeat all over the screen and in each of them show the credits and titles such as "Universal Pictures Presents", "In association with Blumhouse Productions", along with a few others in which they do the same to the Director of the movie and the title of the movie "Split"
2. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?
The biggest thing that is shown in the opening sequence is right off the bat, you see a guy instantly from the perspective of the girl in which he reaches over and grabs you. Already putting tension on the audience right off the bat they follow up with the opening sequence where all we see are the titles. However throughout that, you can see the guy transporting the girl that was kidnapped somewhere that we do not know yet as the audience. This is a really eerie and dark moment that is highly prioritized in the start of the movie.
3. How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?
The biggest ways that this film establishes the feeling of the genre is the intense kidnapping scenes. These scenes are left to wonder on what is going to happen next, as well as something that goes hand in hand with this is the intense yet very mysterious atmosphere. It causes the unknown elements to be wondered about. Along with most thrillers, the eerie and creepy music always plays an important role.
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