All About Me Commercial!

Hi guys! It's finally here!!! I finally present to you guys my final product! Though most of my blogs consisted of me just brainstorming, we had the ball moving little by little! I'm so proud of the way this project came out- I really tried my best to make this commercial as "Eva" as I could've. 

Though, at times little obstacles with the editing and my health came along, we managed to finish the project! I also think that I managed to achieve the intended tones for the video. I think that it's a very accurate representation of me. I genuinely feel super excited to show you guys this commercial I worked very hard on! 

Every night I spent wondering about what to do for this project was worth it, and the final product shows it!

I feel like by presenting this video to you guys, you guys can ACTUALLY see who I am. Through silly little videos of me and the things that I hold dearest to me, you guys have gotten to see the type of person that I am! Not only this, but I was able to share my sense of humor with you guys! I really hope you guys enjoy this video about the little things about me. 

I absolutely enjoyed being able to show you guys videos of my puppy, Max, too! Despite him being 4 years old, he'll always be my little puppy! There are just so many things about this project that make me so happy!!

Right now I'm super emotional about the completion of this project, but I plan on reflecting back on the process in which this project went through to get done. Keep posted for that blog!

P.S. make sure you guys stick to the end of the video to see a super silly blooper :)




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