Title Website Research

Hey guys! Welcome back to my blog-  I want to share with you all on my decision on which website I chose to do my title research on. Now, I'd like to announce that Art of the Title will be my main source to use for my research. After looking through both websites along with testing how easy it is to navigate and find information, I decided that this website was the best fit for me. One of the biggest reasons is that I could not find the stuff that was right for me and my topics of research on the other website. I tried searching a few of the movies I wanted to look into and to no avail, I could not find it. However, when I went on Art of the Title, I was able to find it almost instantly. I was also a huge fan of how they formatted their information and how they provided detail for the movies. Not only that, but some even have transcripts in which they talk about the movie more in detail. I am almost positive that the other website has it's pros, however, it just did not fit my needs. But anyways, that is what I wanted to share with you guys. See you guys on my next blog!


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