Title Research: Get Out

 1. What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? 

In the opening sequence of Jordan Peele's "Get Out" the film starts by presenting the studio and production credits accompanied by unsettling music. The first title being " Universal Production presents" along with a few other production companies, the title of the movie finally appears "A Jordan Peele Film...Get Out". The use of music and scenes in the opening sequence provides an eerie atmosphere for the viewers.

2. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? 

In the opening sequence they give no time for the audience to breathe as someone is kidnapped in the very first few seconds into the film, along with eerie music begins to keep the audience on edge. They then panel over to introduce specific characters such as Andre which is a character who we follow for the rest of the movie.

3. How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset?

Jordan Peele mainly uses music and mystery to provide thriller for the audience. By using eerie music it creates a sense of tension along with the immediate mystery of what happened in the first scene of the movie where someone got kidnapped. By using these main and basic techniques he is able to Foreshadow certain future parts of the movie.


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