Production Blog: Brainstorming

  Hey guys, It's Eva again! After taking it into some consideration, I decided to do the commercial about me! As of now, I really haven't done much other than organize what I want my commercial to look like- I really don't want to begin using the editing software when I still don't exactly know what I'm doing. I know that in my last post I spoke about some ideas I had for the commercial, but I really didn't have anything solid. I mostly just put all of my ideas for a commercial about myself on the table to help me pick out what I ACTUALLY want in it. I've been deciding what I want my commercial to look like and how I'm going to achieve that look. 

  So far, I've decided the overall mood I want to set in my commercial. I want my commercial to deliver a very comedic effect! In order to achieve this, I decided that using pictures in a slideshow type of way would make setting the desired mood much more difficult to achieve. I also thought that structuring my commercial like a slideshow would bore my audience. Instead of using photos, I think clips and videos would make delivering the mood much easier due to how much more interactive they can be. Plus, I can also capture more information in little clips! 

 However, with this change, there was a HUGEEE obstacle I hit: moments where I took no videos- ONLY pictures. After much freaking out, I remembered that I have an iPhone. Apple devices have this super cool feature for photos where you can catch them "live." Essentially, your iPhone records what happens 1.5 seconds before AND after you take the picture (thank you Apple). This being said, I DEFINITELY plan on using live photos in my commercial. 

 As far as the music goes, I decided to wait until I have the commercial done. I feel like the music is the "cherry on top" for productions. I can't exactly choose music when I don't know what the commercial looks like. Basically- I can't choose music that would 100% compliment the commercial in a way that would also help deliver it in the desired mood. Despite this, I'm still aiming to use a classical piece (preferably composed by Tchaikovsky). 

 Though it may not seem like much, I actually think that I have a really strong start here. Knowing exactly what I'm doing will help make the actual creation of the commercial easier. By my next post, I plan on having at least some clips I'm DEFINITELY using.

I'll talk to you guys then! Goodnight!!

P.S. here's a look at what a live photo does! (The media on the left is the still picture, and the media on the right is the live photo!)


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