Intro Blog

  Good morning guys! My name is Eva Lopez and I'm 17 years old. I was born here, in the United States, but both of my parents are from Nicaragua. Oddly enough, whenever I tell people this, they don't know where Nicaragua is- it's in Central America. Between Costa Rica and Honduras, you'll find Nicaragua! My family comes from a port on the west side of the country -- Corinto. Here, you'll find yourself surrounded by the beautiful beaches Nicaragua is known for.

  Although I wasn't born in Nicaragua, I am a first-generation American. In addition to this, I am also the oldest sibling in the household. I have two younger brothers. Due to these two things, I usually find myself plenty motivated to pursue success. Especially because of my youngest brother, who is a four-year-old version of me, I wish to be the best role model for him. I genuinely want nothing more than to make my little brothers feel proud to say that I'm their big sister. I plan on working super hard to accomplish that.

 As far as my aspirations go, after I graduate, I plan on going to the University of Florida to major in premedical sciences and to minor in aerospace engineering. I know that these things are complete opposites, but both of these things interest me greatly. On one hand, my end goal is to become a pediatrician. However, on the other hand, planes and the mechanics that go into building planes absolutely fascinate me. Additionally, in the case that I don't succeed as a doctor (which, I will), I can always just pursue aerospace engineering as a major. In any case, I have a plan (and backup plans) set for when I cross that bridge.

  I'm super excited to get to know you guys! I hope my blogs find you well!

P.S. I've inserted pictures to show you guys pictures of super huge plane engines and manikins! :)

Bye bye!


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